What did you do on Tuesday night, April 3rd? A small band of members ventured off to the Wollongong City Central Library (Burelli Street) for a time of fun, learning to juggle and putting the jigsaw pieces in their rightful spot. Together the six members; Dawne, Kathy, Romina, Brian, Sue and Bruce had the opportunity to deck out two large display cabinets with a Photographic Display advertising the club’s activities. A selection of 12 club archived prints depicting the club’s photographic history, film and digital cameras and a variety of video cameras with associated editing equipment were placed into these cabinets. A number of members of the public looked in, related a story or 2, or just pondered upon photographic equipment they once had. This display will be exhibition at the Library’s Ground Floor until the end of April. A huge thanks to those six members for your contribution tonight, even giving up dinner.