The latest, and final, edition of the Movie Makers’ Group Newsletter for June 2021 has been published and available on the Club’s website.

After 21 Years, Editor Ian Simpson, has prepared the last Newsletter. In this edition Ian takes us upon the Movie Makers’ journey of achievements, presentations and events of this small interest group of members accomplished during those years. The Newsletter has over 40 pages of items; member’s works, contributions and presentation reflections. He also covered the Combine Video Clubs meetings over the years. Its a wonderful review of the Group’s milestones, along with Club and community activities. A fitting final edition to the Movie Makers published newsletters.

May I take this opportunity to thank Ian for the arduous work, often long hours in sourcing items, attending meetings , preparing the newsletter before finally releasing the Newsletter for everyone to read. Ian commenced his editorship in 2000 covering the then Video Group, later to be renamed the Movie Makers Group. Ian’s passion for video/movie making is very evident in his contributions and the technical advice that he gives to all that enquire. In the past couple of years it’s been difficult, but he has continued this great Club Service.

Ian we will miss your written contributions about the Movie Makers activities. We wish you and Marie all the best and we’ll be seeing you, as always, at future Movie Makers meetings and activities.