I posted the information below at the beginning of the month and neglected to add that prints for the exhibition need to be with Dawne Harridge by 25 May (our May competition night). I have reprinted the original email below.

Our Club exhibition will be at the Old Court House in Wollongong on 19 and 20 June. Saturday 19th will be from 8am till 4pm and Sunday will be 8am till 3pm. Setup will be on Friday 18th, we don’t have a time for setup yet. We will pack up from 3pm on Sunday and members need to come in to collect their prints.

We are hoping that all members will exhibit images – up to four images each. Dawne will bring Club frames to meetings so members can borrow them to frame their prints. The mat size needs to be 16 x 20 inches.

Members can use their own frames which are preferably 16 x 20 inches and preferably black (for uniformity). Please make sure that there is strong cord or string attached to the back of the frame.  The Club cannot be responsible for a frame that is damaged if the cord breaks.

We can display a limited number of larger prints. Please speak to Dawne if you would like to do this so she can coordinate it.

Each print must have a label on the back with title and author and also whether or not the print is for sale, it’s price and whether the price includes the frame (frame must be your own if it’s for sale). Please also email that information to me (secretary@wollongongcameraclub.org.au) so we can make display labels.

Please also let me know when you can help during the weekend. We need people on Friday to help set up and people on Sunday at 3pm to pack and clean up (as well as the people who come to collect their prints). We also need people who can come for two hours on Saturday and/or Sunday to help with organisation and answer questions.


  1. Up to 4 prints per member 16 x 20 inches framed (club frames available).
  2. Label with information on back.
  3. Email information to Ruth.
  4. Let Ruth know when you are available to help: Friday? Saturday times? Sunday times? Sunday pack up?