Updated 31st October 2024 to align with FCC Definitions
A digital image where action is the basis for the image’s story, idea, mood or other creative intention. Includes, but not limited to, sports, wildlife, event and travel photography
A digital image that fully or prominently features the night sky. A foreground which does not dominate the image is allowed. All parts of the image must be taken when the sun is below the horizon in its entirety. Basic post-processing is allowed, including multiple exposures and stitching of panoramas.
At Work
An image of people or person working/at work
Australian Landscape
A photograph taken in Australia of natural land or coastal scenery, which may include people, buildings or other objects, provided that these elements do not dominate the photograph. Seascapes with no land do not fit the section. Urban-scapes are not acceptable.
A photograph taken at a very short distance (or with a long focal length lens), to permit a close and detailed view of an object in a much more intimate way than you would see with the naked eye.
Digital Art
A digital image that originated as one or more photographs taken by the photographer; which has undergone significant post processing; and which communicates a story, idea, mood or other creative intention. Editing and post-processing MUST be consistent with the following requirements.
The final image must have originated as a photograph, and the original exposure and all post processing must be the work of the Image Creator.
The image should communicate a story, idea, mood or have some other creative intention.
Ways of creating a digital art image include but are not limited to:
Filters – Filters are permitted provided they do not introduce a new element to the image that the Image Creator has not created themselves. For example, the sky replacement filter should use your own image. Stock images are not permitted. Filters which add a texture or pattern are permitted provided the texture or pattern has been created by the Image Creator. Third party textures & patterns are not permitted.
Composite Images – whether they are of a realistic scene or an unrealistic scene, using editing techniques to build a scene from different elements (all of which have been photographed by the Image Creator). Stock images are not permitted. Clip art is not permitted.
Vector/Raster Layers – The use of basic tools/brushes in photoshop are permitted to create Vector/Raster Layers provided the contents have been created by the Image Creator. Custom tools/brushes/textures must have been created by the Image Creator. Vector/Raster Layers can only amount to 50% of the image.
Fine Art Print
A printed photograph of any subject; which communicates a story, idea, mood or other creative intention; and where the printmaking significantly contributes to the impact of the photo. Printmaking includes, but not limited to, digital processes (inkjet, laser printing) and analogue processes (gelatin silver prints, cyanotypes). All entries MUST be mounted as per these instructions:
• All prints are to be mounted to a finished size of 40cm x 50cm and not exceed 5mm in thickness. The actual print can be any size within this finished mount. Polystyrene mounts are not eligible.
• The back of each print must bear the label produced by your entry in this competition. Please affix the label to the rear of each print (preferably in the top left-hand corner).
• Prints and mounts must not have Velcro, unstuck labels, tape flaps or sticky residue on the back of mounts. These sticky materials can damage other prints or mounts if they come into contact with them.
A digital image of any plant, part of a plant, or groups of plants which communicates a story, idea, mood or other creative intention. Includes, but not limited to, fungi, still life, landscape, some drone photography and macro-photography
Image Of The Year
All entries must have been exhibited in a Club Monthly Pointscore Competition during the current competition year. Images must be entered in the same category as they were entered in the club competitions. i.e. mono print in mono print, digital in digital, colour print in colour print.
Minimalist photography can be summarized in one quote by Leonardo da Vinci:
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Less is more. By stripping a photo down to the bare essentials, minimalist photographers show how powerful simplicity can be.
Nature photography records all branches of natural history except anthropology and archaeology. This includes all aspects of the physical world, both animate and inanimate, that have not been made or modified by humans.
Nature images must convey the truth of the scene that was photographed. A well-informed person should be able to identify the subject of the image and be satisfied that it has been presented honestly and that no unethical practices have been used to control the subject or capture the image. Images that directly or indirectly show any human activity that threatens the life or welfare of a living organism are not allowed.
The most important part of a Nature image is the nature story it tells.
High technical standards are expected, and the image must look natural.
Objects created by humans, and evidence of human activity, are allowed in Nature images only when they are a necessary part of the Nature story.
Photographs of human-created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domesticated animals, human-created hybrid animals and mounted or preserved zoological specimens are not allowed.
Images taken with subjects under controlled conditions, such as zoos, are allowed.
Controlling live subjects by chilling, anaesthetic, or any other method of restricting natural movement for the purpose of a photograph is not allowed.
Editing Guidelines
Processing or editing must be limited to making the image look as close to the original scene as possible, except that conversion to grayscale monochrome is allowed.
Allowed Editing Techniques
Cropping, straightening and perspective correction.
Removal or correction of elements added by the camera or lens, such as dust spots, noise, chromatic aberration and lens distortion.
Global and selective adjustments such as brightness, hue, saturation and contrast to restore the appearance of the original scene.
Complete conversion of colour images to grayscale monochrome.
Blending of multiple images of the same subject and combining them in camera or with software (exposure blending or focus stacking);
Image stitching – combining multiple images with overlapping fields of view that are taken consecutively (panoramas);
Editing techniques that are not allowed
Removing, adding to, moving or changing any part of an image, except for cropping and straightening.
Adding a vignette during processing.
Blurring parts of the image during processing to hide elements in the original scene.
Darkening parts of the image during processing to hide elements in the original scene.
All conversions other than to complete grayscale monochrome.
Conversion of parts of an image to monochrome, or partial toning, desaturation or over-saturation of colour.
Anything of advanced years
Our Town
An Image that is distinctively of the Wollongong region, that a person familiar with the region would be able to recognise as from our town.
Panning Blur
panning and/or motion blur to show movement.
A digital image of a person or persons who are participating in the creation of the photo. At least one person in the image must have all or part of their face visible. Includes, but not limited to, self-portraits taken by the photographer, studio photography and portraits showing people in their work or other environment.
Product photography is any image of a good for sale. Also known as commercial photography, these images are meant to entice shoppers to purchase the photographed products. They feature product details and features. The idea is to give potential buyers a full impression of the product.
Note: For this competition the Images will not have text added to them in post-production by the photographer. We are the photographers supplying only the photos of the products to the Client.
An athletic activity that involves a degree of competition.
Sports Photography is one of the most exciting and challenging types of photography.
In sports everything in the scene will be moving. Decide how you would like to capture that movement, Fast shutter speed; to freeze the action. (so it looks still) or a Slow shutter speed; to let the movement blur giving the feeling of speed or excitement. Panning; moving your camera along in time with the moving subject so they come out nicely in focus/sharp but the background blurs. This gives a feeling of movement and speed. Sports photography isn’t just about capturing star athletes at the top of their game, some of the greatest shots focus on the reaction after a win, fans and athletes coming together, or the crowning of a champion on the Olympic podium. Others highlight an athlete’s physique.
A digital image which is intentionally set up by the photographer; and which communicates a story, idea, mood or other creative intention. Includes, but not limited to, still life, pet, food and toy photography. Images which qualify for the Portrait category (see above) are NOT permitted
Street photography is a non-formalised genre of photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places such as streets, parks, beaches, malls, political conventions and other associated settings. Images can often be ironic or emotionally detached from subject matter, focusing instead on a particular context or detail. Framing and timing are key aspects of the craft, with the aim of creating images at a decisive or poignant moment.
The Odd One Out
A person or thing that is different from or kept apart from others that form a group or set
A digital image taken within a built-up environment (e.g. city, town, street or park); and which communicates a story, idea, mood or other creative intention. Includes, but not limited to, street, architecture, photojournalism, aerial, drone, urban landscape and travel photography
Urban Landscape
Urban landscape refers to an outdoor environment that is dominated by and influenced by urban features.
This includes both man-made and natural elements found in an urban area such as buildings, roadways, parks, and other elements that are present in a city or town.
Urban landscape photography is like traditional landscape photography but, unlike landscape photography, urban landscape photography documents human-made interventions, structures, and environments.