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About Us

Wollongong Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesdays from February to November.

1st Tuesday of the month: Movie Makers

2nd Tuesday of the month: Photo Group Guest Speakers

4th Tuesday of the month: Photo Competition

Meetings are at Figtree Heights Public School, Cnr St George Ave and Lewis Dr, Figtree*.

The Management Committee meet on Zoom at 7:00pm on the 3rd Monday of the Month.

We also hold monthly Field Trips. See our calendar for more information.

*During COVID lockdowns, meetings are held via Zoom.

If you would like to join our Club, please click the button below, fill in and submit the Application, make the payment as indicated, and we will confirm your application as soon as possible.

Upcoming Events
7:30 pm Photography Group Competition – ... @ Figtree Heights Public School
Photography Group Competition – ... @ Figtree Heights Public School
Jul 23 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Judge – Glen Samson Subject – Panning Blur
7:30 pm GUEST SPEAKER : Meredith Schofi... @ Figtree Heights Primary School
GUEST SPEAKER : Meredith Schofi... @ Figtree Heights Primary School
Aug 13 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Meredith says : … The purpose of photography is to tell a story, create mood and evoke a feeling or emotion.  We do this with interesting subject matter, light and composition.  When these elements combine,[...]
10:00 am ILLAWARRA FAMILY HISTORY and HER... @ City Diggers Club
Aug 17 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Our Club will be represented at the Illawarra Family History and Heritage Fair to celebrate Family History month in  August and the diversity of cultural heritage in the Illawarra. This Fair is being hosted by[...]
7:30 pm Photography Group Competition – ... @ Figtree Heights Public School
Photography Group Competition – ... @ Figtree Heights Public School
Aug 27 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Judge – Colin Talbot Subject – Open
7:30 pm GUEST SPEAKER : Nathan Miller –... @ Figtreee Heights Primary School
GUEST SPEAKER : Nathan Miller –... @ Figtreee Heights Primary School
Sep 10 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Nathan Miller is a photographer from Gerringong with an appreciation for the beauty of the world around him.  The night sky and the enchanting colours of dawn and dusk are evident in his work which[...]
8:30 am MEMBERS’ EXHIBITION AT RED POINT... @ Red Point Gallery
Sep 12 @ 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
Set up of Exhibition will commence at 8.30 am and once complete, the Exhibition will be open for public viewing.
10:00 am MEMBERS’ EXHIBITION AT RED POINT... @ Red Point Gallery
Sep 13 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
The Gallery will be open from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm., with the opening function scheduled for 6.00 pm until approximately 7.30 pm. Light refreshments provided.
10:00 am MEMBERS’ EXHIBITION AT RED POINT... @ Red Point Gallery
Sep 18 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Bump out will be after 2.00 pm.
7:30 pm Photography Group Competition – ... @ Figtree Heights Public School
Photography Group Competition – ... @ Figtree Heights Public School
Sep 24 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Judge – Meredith Schofield Subject – Portrait
7:30 pm Photography Group Competition – ... @ Figtree Heights Public School
Photography Group Competition – ... @ Figtree Heights Public School
Oct 22 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Judge – TBA Subject – Open
7:30 pm GUEST SPEAKER : Gaille Dargan –...
GUEST SPEAKER : Gaille Dargan –...
Nov 12 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Gaille Dargan, creator of Sydney Photo Fun with a catch cry of “Fun with Photography” will take us through her photo journey and the establishment of one of the most creative Photography Groups in Sydney.[...]

Vale: Norman (Norm) Melvin 1935 ~ 2022

Norm Melvin 1935 ~ 2022

Recently the Camera Club was advised that long standing member Norman (Norm) Melvin had passed away on Tuesday, November 15th 2022. He was 87 and a Wollongong Camera Club member for 35 years.

Norm commenced his Club membership in 1987. He was an avid photographer delighting in taking images, then processing them for display and competitions. Norm also dabbled, firstly in the Club’s Audio-Visual world, being one of the earliest members in this group. The A/V Group was the foundations to the Club’s Movie Makers Group. Norm was also interested in the moving images and was active in pursuing his talents in this discipline.

My first introduction to Norm was way back in the late 1970s/early 1980s, to a time in Wollongong when Nock & Kirby’s was the original local “Bunnings” hardware store, located on Crown Street, now the “Lucky Shop” just east of the current Spotlight building. Norm worked in the Paint Department, an extension of his life as a sign-writer. Colour was part of Norm’s everyday life. His ability to decipher a colour’s various shades was remarkable. This ability would later pave the way to his colour insight in photography, knowing when and how to mix “colours” in his images.

Throughout his membership, Norm would investigate ways to mix and apply his colour sense with nature’s textures and features. At one stage, around 2014, Norm embarked upon mixing bark and still images. With a tablet, digital camera and computer he would create images of this different world. He was a long time ahead of the digital image editing packages of today when it came to mixing nature’s textures and photographic images. Along with other Club members he presented his photographic imagery to the members.

“Bark Textures”

Norm explored the world of modelling; using the skills as a sign-writer, to create tabletops and other objects from Paper Mache. The careful placement of colour to the smallest details were evident of Norm’s attention to getting the subject right. Many of his creations, including castles and complex buildings, appeared in his Competition entries over the years.

Norm’s passion went further than just taking pictures and entering the Club’s Monthly Competitions. He would regularly step in when a prearranged Presenter wasn’t able to attend meetings bringing the members an insight into other photographic genres. In the early 2000s, he and wife Nancie travelled the world, so Travel Photography became his focus. From taking the pictures, to storing them until they returned home and the processing, Norm would speak about it. He was one to the first member to embrace “Kodak’s Photo CD” world and he grew with this technology. As mentioned earlier, Norm also delved into the video world, especially for his travel images. He would share these times with short presentation at the Video/Moviemaking Group meetings. Norm would give a variety of presentations, lead workshops and lead outings all for the pursuit of excellence in photography.

“My early memories of Norm was his passion for the Club and his love of getting us together with his matting workshops and Exhibition organising.  I was a disciple of Norm’s and I certainly enjoyed the times when we would work together with the planning and set up of various Exhibitions, especially the Club’s 65th at the Art Gallery.  Norm called the shots and had a number of us expedited to various locations for the “now shots” to match up to the “then photos”..  I remember the many matting (picture frame mat) workshops on a Saturday conducted under Norm’s eagle eye.”  (Dawne Harridge, Life Member)

“A Supper Chat with Camera Club Members”

Norm’s Wollongong Camera Club Service:

Norm wasn’t just a photographer. He had a passion for providing an environment where others would learn about photography. Norm’s Club Service:

  • Cub Management Committee. He served 6 times as President, another 6 years as a Committee Member;
  • Photographic Group Subcommittee chairperson and Competition Director (2 years);

Norm was always available to help out wherever help was required, whether is was setting up on Comp Nights, assisting Presenter’s with their requirements to the Club’s public Exhibitions (like at Wollongong’s Old Courthouse) and major Club milestones.

Norm’s External Photographic Service:

Norm’s passion to share and teach photography in the public arena was immense. From his days with the Senior’s Week Photo Competition, The Healthy Cities (a NSW Government initiative) and adult education through the WEA and the U3A (University of the 3rd Age) attached to Wollongong University. He enjoyed this comradery with people who wanted to learn to take better pictures and to use their cameras.

“Hanging The Seniors Photo Competition”

In January 2005 I had the pleasure again to work with Norm on a special request from the Wollongong Central Library to provide a Photography Information Programme a short notice. There were 3 sessions, each of 1.5 hours duration over a 3-week period where we engaged with school age (11 ~ 17) children with the banner; “How To Take better Pictures”. Here again it was great to stand, at times, and watch Norm communicate with these children about photography, taking the image and processing them. This wasn’t just a presentation; the attendees were encouraged to take pictures for Norm and myself to critique. In the 3rd and final session, we held a critiquing session with the view that these images would be on public display within the library.

Norm’s Wollongong Camera Club Record:

Over the years Norm was a prolific Club Competition entrant heavily biased towards colour sections from 1990. Norm’s last entered Club Monthly competitions in 2017. His Monthly Merits and Credits Awards were: Slides: 2, Edi/Digital: 3, EDI Freestyle: 1, Colour Prints: 37 and Monochrome Prints: 16 as well as numerous Video/Moviemaking entries.

“Simply Red”

Norm was awarded the 1991 Encouragement Award, 1994 Colour Print Pointscore Trophy, 1994 Slide Pointscore Trophy, 2003 Monochrome Print of the Year Trophy.

In Summary:

Norm was very charismatic in the way he connected with people, sharing his thoughts and always looking for opportunities to encourage others in their photographic journey. His personal insight into technology within photography always enlightened and intrigue the viewer at the same time, highlighting various photographic genres and often treading into the artistic world.

Norm may not be remembered for his great awards, if judges’ awards are counted, but he also made the viewer think about his images. However, he is greatly respected for his insight, service and the promotion of photography, not only at Camera Club level, but also in the great community.

Norm is survived by his wife, Nancie, 3 daughters and 1 son, 8 Grandchildren and 4 Great Grandchildren.

Norm will be sadly missed. A man and photographer with great insight and sharing the photography dream.

Bruce Shaw, Life Member, Member since 1982, Public Officer

by Bruce Shaw, November 20, 2022

Vale: Barry Daniel AAPS SSAPS 1928 ~ 2022

By now most members will have been advised that Barry passed away on Friday, September 30th 2022; 1928 ~ 2022. Barry was 94 years young. I would like to reflect upon Barry’s Photographic journey with particular emphasis on his legacy to the Wollongong Camera Club.

Barry’s photographic love affair commenced in 1939 when his parents gave him a Box Brownie using 120 film roll. In those days, there were no mini-labs, 1-hour photographic services, nor had the inkjet been invented. It was a “do it all yourself” hobby. Developing the film’s negatives was in a soup bowl and printing on Kodak Paper using the sun as the light source. The resultant print was brownish (for a monochrome) with a very short shelf life.

By the early 1940s, World War II had commenced, everything in life was in short supply and in huge demand. Photographic film and papers were unprocurable. His film of choice, none other available, was Dufaycolour Transparency (Slide) film with an ISO 8. The resultant picture taking was at 1/25th second with an aperture of f16. It soon became evident that only Summer-time images were acceptable. Barry modified his camera, a drilled hole to increase the aperture and adjustments, to take 16 images instead of the “8”. The film was sent to England for processing, about a 6-week turn around with the final transparencies.

He later upgraded to a Bakelite, Baby Minolta camera taking 127 roll film. At this time, Barry commenced his foray into the darkroom, building his first enlarger from a large jam tin can, an opal glass diffuser and an old camera lens. The light source was the house’s 100Watt light, later replaced with an 800Watt Photoflood light. He was mixing his own processing chemicals and making his own photo-sensitised papers.

In 1947 Barry’s film supply received a boost with Kodachrome 35mm Colour Transparency (Slide) film with a lightning increase in speed to ISO 10. By the  end of WWII, Barry received a 35mm Camera for his 21st, a French manufactured Sem Kim. After WWII, photographic gear was still in short supply and expensive. Even during the 1950s Barry reverted to his earlier learnings, building his own projector with some challenges to precision and specifications. The projector served him well for the next decade or so

These earlier decades taught Barry valuable lessons, not only in crafting his hobby, but also giving him sound knowledge of exposure, camera operations along with film development and printing processes. No rangefinder, no exposure meter, no auto focus! A far cry from today’s digital equipment with all the bells and whistles, plus more for the photographer. Histograms was something taught in schools in mathematics classes.

Barry’s pathway to greater knowledge started in 1955 when he joined the Wagga Photographic Group and the regular competitions, learning from mistakes, further developing skills already gained. By this time competition prints had reached a huge 10” x 8” (today’s A4 size). Not an A3 Print in sight! Barry also served on the Club’s Committee. Barry became a regular book borrower at the Wagga Wagga Library, everything, anything on photography was on his reading list. After-all, there wasn’t any YouTube or Video Courses in those days; Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim (YouTube Founders) would not been around for another 5 decades.

It wasn’t long, 1957 in fact, that Barry completed his first Judge’s Course by correspondence from the Photographic Council of NSW. Barry had also moved on to a Kodak Retinette and Diax cameras until in 1960 he had access to a Praktica SLR with extension tubes; thus, his love of macro grew. Barry didn’t look back.

1963 bought Barry to the Wollongong Camera Club doors. He was amazed by the superb 20” x 16” (A3) B & W Prints on display, remarking “… I could never do that quality of work”. Again, his pathway led him to the Wollongong Central Library and to every photographic book on the shelves. It wasn’t long before his hard work commenced to pay dividends, taking out Pointscores and Print of the Year Awards.

During the early 1970s, Barry attacked the National and International Competition with the vigor and precision that Barry had to succeed. His successes further encouraged Barry to enter other external Competitions, like the FCC and APS Affiliated Competitions.

The Judge, Presenter and Teacher:

From the very beginning Barry has had a thirst for photographic knowledge, how does it work, what is the process? He learnt through trial and error, from books and fellow photographers discussing everything, sharing knowledge, fostering the art, and craft, of photography. Barry was of high value; a most respected photographer with his presentations amongst the best in Australia.

Barry’s last Wollongong Camera Club Presentation was at the tender age of 88 years old on Macro Photography and Gear. Barry also attended 2 FCC Judges’ Course in 1987 and 1995, granted APS Approved Nature Judge in 1996. He saw this as a way share his knowledge with the entrants and also to learn from each image that he was commenting upon. It was a 2-Way process, one that he never grew tired of. As Barry said on many occasions; “… I got so much pleasure out of judging, lecturing and teaching photography.” Barry has been widely published for his Award-winning images in The Nikon Club Membership Magazine, NSW Dept of Industrial Development and Decentralisation (1984-85, 1986-87 Editions) (world-wide distribution) as well as National and International Catalogues, name a few.

Camera Clubs and Affiliations:

1955 Wagga Photographic Group. 1963 ~ 2022 Wollongong Camera Club; 1977 Kiama Shellharbour Camera Club (Over 22 years in Committee positions); 1981 APS (Australian Photographic Society)

Recognition Awards:

1983  Life Membership, Kiama~Shellharbour Camera Club; 1998  SSAPS  from the Australian Photographic Society for State Service (NSW); 2003  LAPS  from the Australian Photographic Society (via the Exhibition System); 2004  AAPS  from the Australian Photographic Society (via the Panel System); 2010  Life Membership, Wollongong Camera Club

Barry’s Wollongong Camera Club Record:

At Wollongong Camera Club Barry was a prolific competitor being awarded:

Slide of the Year Trophy 11 times; Slide Pointscore Trophy 3 time; EDI Pointscore 1; Colour Print of the Year 6 times; Pointscore 7 times; Monochrome Print of the Year 4 times; Pointscore 3 times.

Monthly Competitions: From the Club’s accessible records from 2002 to 2020. Barry last entered Club Monthly competitions in 2019. His Awards are: Slides:42, Edi/Digital: 57, Colour Prints: 97 and Monochrome Prints: 55  This is a reflection of Barry’s craftmanship and photographic awareness. It is quite an achievement by an individual member.

Barry is survived by his wife, Eunice, who is also a keen and competent photographer having also gained her LAPS and AAPS Photographic Honours, and his family. Barry’s prolific photographic endeavours have been achieved through self-belief, self-learning, having an eye for detail and very good creativity. Barry would also share his photographic craft with those who wanted to learn and develop their skills.

Barry will be sadly missed. A man and photographer with great insight.

Bruce Shaw, Life Member, Member since 1982, Public Officer.

by Bruce Shaw, October 10, 2022

Movie Makers’ Group Newsletter – Final Edition – Published, June 2021

The latest, and final, edition of the Movie Makers’ Group Newsletter for June 2021 has been published and available on the Club’s website.

After 21 Years, Editor Ian Simpson, has prepared the last Newsletter. In this edition Ian takes us upon the Movie Makers’ journey of achievements, presentations and events of this small interest group of members accomplished during those years. The Newsletter has over 40 pages of items; member’s works, contributions and presentation reflections. He also covered the Combine Video Clubs meetings over the years. Its a wonderful review of the Group’s milestones, along with Club and community activities. A fitting final edition to the Movie Makers published newsletters.

May I take this opportunity to thank Ian for the arduous work, often long hours in sourcing items, attending meetings , preparing the newsletter before finally releasing the Newsletter for everyone to read. Ian commenced his editorship in 2000 covering the then Video Group, later to be renamed the Movie Makers Group. Ian’s passion for video/movie making is very evident in his contributions and the technical advice that he gives to all that enquire. In the past couple of years it’s been difficult, but he has continued this great Club Service.

Ian we will miss your written contributions about the Movie Makers activities. We wish you and Marie all the best and we’ll be seeing you, as always, at future Movie Makers meetings and activities.

by Bruce Shaw, July 6, 2021


April 2021 has been a busy time for the Photography Group; Outings, Presentation (Landscape), Competitions and more Field Trips. Add to this exciting programme the Club’s upcoming 2021 Exhibition at Wollongong’s Old Courthouse in June (19~20th).

Our Monthly Competitions is ramping up with challenges to members by new members, along with some longer established members producing some great entries especially in B Grade Prints.

Remember: The May 11th PG Meeting; “Creative Flower Photography” with Colin Harrison from the UK will be on ZOOM and not at the School.

The April Newsletter covers the above and more. Please take the time to read the latest Newsletter. Remember to check the Club’s website regularly for Programme changes.

by Bruce Shaw, May 4, 2021


It is now just over 12 months since COVID-19 Pandemic sudden shutdown our meeting together and our world was turned upside down. 2021 has a new lease of life with the Photography Group meeting again at the School venue with social distancing and other precautions taken.

The March 2021 Newsletter brings reports on the 2021 AGM, the Change of Leadership, meetings and several other activities. Also there is notice of new updates and what’s coming in April 2021. So, here’s a little Newsletter for the Easter long weekend.

Members are encouraged to take the time to read the Newsletter, consult with the Club’s Calendar, just in case there has been a last minute change, and beware that we are looking forward to share fellowship with each other and sharing our photographic endeavours.

by Bruce Shaw, April 1, 2021


The Photography Group has returned to the Figtree Heights Primary School for its 2021 Programme. After a COVID setback for our Presentation night on February 9th it was a face-to-face, masked, social distancing meeting on February 23rd. What a night, the first in over 11 months with a Monthly Competition.

The February Newsletter edition is packed with what’s happened during the month with reminders of what’s coming up in March and some longer term outings.

A quick reminder that the Club’s 2021 AGM is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, March 2nd 2021 at the Figtree Heights Primary School’s Multi-Purpose Hall commencing at 7:30pm. The Club’s COVID Safe Place procedure applies to this meeting. For further details please review the document found in the “Club Competition, Rules and Documents” Page.

by Bruce Shaw, February 25, 2021


Welcome to the Photography Group’s first 2021 Monthly Newsletter. Since our Annual Dinner in December 2020 the Management Committee and other senior members have been working hard to prepare the Club’s return to its public meeting venue at Figtree Heights Primary School Multipurpose Hall.

The Movie Makers will continue to meet away from the School using zoom conferencing, so check out the Calendar for any changes.

The Photography Group return to the school’s Multipurpose Hall on Tuesday, February 9th with a COVID-19 Safe Action Plan. Please be on the lookout for a posting from the Club when the document is finalised. There is a brief summary of key points in the Newsletter.

The January 2021 Newsletter covers these items and more. So please take the time to read the Newsletter for changes, announcements and reports on recent activities. Most of all, keep checking the Calendar for any changes.

by Bruce Shaw, January 28, 2021


Year 2020 is coming to a close. The Camera Club has completed its Programme with the Annual Dinner and Awards Presentation Evening last Tuesday, December 8th 2020 at the Fraternity Club.

If you missed this event, or just want to relive the highlights, then please take the time to download the Photography Group’s December Newsletter. It has been publish and is ready for you to access on the Club’s website’s homepage. All the news of the evening, early 2021 Events and other information is there for you.

On behalf of the Club’s Management Committee we wish you, your family and friends a very Happy Christmas, safe travels during this festive season and all the best for the New Year.

by Bruce Shaw, December 14, 2020


The final 2020 Edition of the Movie Makers’ Group’s Newsletter has been publish and awaits your reading. Please use the link above to access it from the Club’s website (Newsletters).

Editor, Ian Simpson, has compiled a 8 month Newsletter covering May ~ December 2020. He has reviewed all the Movie Makers’ (online) meetings to provide a wide coverage of all the Group’s activities. A mammoth effort. Congratulations Ian for this publication.

Please take the time to enjoy the read, a cuppa or glass of wine in hand, reliving the highlights from the meetings, the “Potshots”, member profiles and more.

by Bruce Shaw, December 9, 2020


Our 2020 Photography Group online (Zoom) meetings continue to keep us all in touch and still have our regular meetings, whilst still maintaining our Social Distancing.

The Group’s November Newsletter has been publish and is ready for you to access on the Club’s website’s homepage. Our presenter, Doug Carley, enlightened us with various methods to converting colour to monochrome in PhotoShop and then Luciano Vranich was our judge for the last Monthly Competition “Still Life”.

November is almost at a close. Summer down under is just 2 days away on December 1st. This means the Club’s Annual Dinner and Awards Presentation Night is almost here on Tuesday, December 8th 2020 where we’ll all know who received “Digital/Print of the Year”, Video of the Year”, AV of the Year” along with the Encouragement Awards and President’s Award.

Saturday, December 6th is the last Club Outing for 2020 to Bare Island and Blak Markets at La Perouse (Sydney). Please check the Club’s Calendar for more information.

by Bruce Shaw, November 28, 2020